Customer Support

We at Spectec Valves & Instruments Pvt. Ltd, understands how critical are the Valves & Instrumentations Equipment’s for smooth uninterrupted operation of a factory. A minor defect can cause malfunction of the entire operations causing huge loss in production process of a factory. That’s why Spectec Valves & Instrumentations Pvt. Ltd (SVIPL) always remains sensitive and committed to customer’s support, after sales.

We have customer support team, that diligently responds to your issues and tries to resolve it at minimum time possible.

You can contact our Customer Support Team by email or Whats App for prompt response.

For better understanding your problem and to resolve it swiftly we would like to request you to fill up the Customer Support Form given below. This will enable our customer Support team to understand your problem and swiftly give you the right solution for resolving your problem immediately.

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